Supporting Families 


Mental Health and Wellbeing Support - Please click here for more information.

Please click here for a leaflet from the Starting Well Partnership detailing groups available for parents.


Family Support

Lisa Sinclair is a Family Support Worker employed by school to support children and their families. This can be in school (subject to Covid-19 restrictions) or over the phone. Lisa is in school once a fortnight on a Tuesday  morning. If you would like support from Lisa, please let school know and we will pass on your contact details. This could be support with bedtime routines, managing feelings or behaviour at home. 


We can also make a referral for Early Intervention Family Support. This is usually for a set time e.g. 6 weeks in order to offer a package of support based on your needs. School can make a referral with parental consent, or parents can request support themselves by completing the form here:


Starting Well Partnership: Support for families during coronavirus (COVID-19)

On this page, you will also find a link in red to request parenting support. Alternatively, please get in touch with school and we can arrange for a Family Support Worker to get in touch with you.


Here2Help Worcestershire

This is a very useful site containing lots of resources and information to support families during COVID-19.


Climb the Children's Society:

Please click the link for more information about a project run by West Mercia Police providing positive activities to young people who may otherwise be drawn into criminal activity. 


Online Safety

Click here for some tips on how to support and keep your children safe online.

Below are some internet safety activities recommended by childnet:

3-7 year olds

7-11 year olds


ThinkUKnow have created home activity work packs to support parents during school closure. They include simple 15 minute activities you can do with your child to support their awareness of online safety.

Click here to access the website

This is a lovely video to share with your child about internet safety:

Follow the links below for advice on how to protect your children online.

As many people are now communicating via video conferencing, this information has been written for parents to explain how Zoom works and the potential risks to be aware of. Click on the image below to save and view more clearly.
Our School Council worked to create a 'Child Friendly Online Safety Policy'. This has been sent home with every pupil. Click the link below to view it. 

Child Friendly Online Safety leaflet

Online Safety Parent PowerPoint

Parents' Guide to Screen Time

Here is the most up to date guidance for parents from the National Internet Safety Centre. Please consider whether your child is spending too long on screens in their spare time.

Screen time addiction


Below are some parent guides about popular apps and games

Tik Tok




Here are some conversation starters about Online Safety that you could have with your children.

Follow the link below to complete the Parent View Questionnaire


Follow the link below to the DFE Performance Tables for schools