Reading For Pleasure


At Moon's Moat First we are continuing our drive to encourage more children to read for pleasure. We have a fantastic library to promote the love of reading and each classroom has a dedicated reading area. In both spaces, children can choose books to read in school and to take home.  Clear expectations for reading at home are set in each year group and Reading Records are monitored to track this.

Research shows a positive link between reading frequency, enjoyment and educational attainment.  Furthermore, reading for pleasure has positive emotional and social benefits, It improves text comprehension and grammar skills and increases general knowledge.  We have many initiatives that take place in school over this academic year to encourage reading for pleasure.

  • Daily Drop Everything and Read
  • Playground Reading Boxes
  • Book Week
  • Sponsored reads
  • Weekly allocated session in school library for all classes (This will resume when COVID restrictions change)
  • Author and Poet visits
Things you can do at home:
  • Ensure your child reads 4 times a week.
  • Talk about what books they are currently reading.
  • Ask questions when listening to your child read aloud 
  • Read books to your child / read books together.
  • Visit local libraries and bookshops.
  • Talk about what you are reading. Sometimes children don't realise that you are reading on your tablet!


Stuck for what to read?

If your child is finding it difficult to know what they want to read, here are some ideas:

  • See our recommended reading lists and book recommendation videos for your child's Key Stage  below.
  • Register on the  CLPE’s Core Books CLPE’s Core Books website for free to view regularly updated book lists sorted by age-range, genre, author or publisher.
  • Use our online Bug Club books 
  • Visit Accelerated Reader Bookfinder which is an easy to use, free online tool which allows you or your child to search for books by interest-level and topic.  You can also find collections lists of the most popular books that children are reading at the moment.
  • Use the Oxford Owl website for stories.

We greatly appreciate all the support you give in supporting and encouraging your children to read at home and we are looking forward to an exciting year full of reading ahead!



Finding good books to read is sometimes a bit tricky so below we have put some recommendations for each key stage. Use the videos for a bedtime story or you could find other books by the author in school, in your local library or a book shop. We hope you enjoy them. 




Take a look at the Book Trust website here for more recommendations. 



Take a look at the Books Trust website  here for more recommendations 



Take a look at the Books Trust website  here for more recommendations