PSHE lead: Mrs Priston
At Moon's Moat First School our vision for PSHE is to prepare children for real life and help them to value themselves as individuals and as members of society. We want our pupils to be equipped to make safe and healthy choices for themselves as they grow and develop. We believe that safe and happy relationships are the foundation for future success. Through our curriculum and wider school life, we embed spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and promote Fundamental British Values.
The aims of PSHE at our school are:
At Moon’s Moat in the Foundation Stage we follow the Early Years Framework 2021. The prime areas of Communication and Language and Personal, Social and Emotional Development and the specific area of Understanding the World support children’s learning and contain the Early Learning Goals relevant to PSHE and Citizenship. There are not discrete PSHE lessons timetabled as the knowledge, understanding and skills are a golden thread in all our Early Year’s provision. We feel that this prepares each child to be able to access the timetabled curriculum in Year One.
In Key Stages 1 and 2, PSHE is taught weekly as a discreet subject but is also covered through assemblies, stories and visitors. When specific needs arise such as issues on the playground or events that occur outside of school, these are addressed through circle time activities.
PSHE is taught by class teachers or HLTAs as part of PPA cover. The scheme we follow is Jigsaw which supports staff to deliver fully resourced, engaging lessons which pupils enjoy and demonstrate good progress, building on the previous year.
By the time children leave us at the end of Year Four they have developed a stronger sense of self and the impact their choices have on themselves, on others and in the wider world. They can demonstrate safe choices and good understanding of the need for laws and rules. They have strategies in place to maintain good mental and physical health and are beginning to be more aware of body changes that will affect them in the near future. Our oldest children can take on responsibilities, are wonderful role-models to the younger children and are beginning to better understand their place in society.
Click here to view how PSHE is taught in the Foundation Stage.
Click here to view the PSHE and Citizenship Policy.
Click here to view the Relationships and Health Education Policy.
Click here to view the Drugs Education Policy
Click the link below to read a parent guide from the DfE:
Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child's primary school: a guide for parents
Click here for the National Curriculum Citizenship pages.
Click here to view the Progression in Knowledge and Skills in PSHE at Moon's Moat First School.
PSHE lead: Mrs Priston
At Moon's Moat First School our vision for PSHE is to prepare children for real life and help them to value themselves as individuals and as members of society. We want our pupils to be equipped to make safe and healthy choices for themselves as they grow and develop. We believe that safe and happy relationships are the foundation for future success. Through our curriculum and wider school life, we embed spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and promote Fundamental British Values.
The aims of PSHE at our school are:
At Moon’s Moat in the Foundation Stage we follow the Early Years Framework 2021. The prime areas of Communication and Language and Personal, Social and Emotional Development and the specific area of Understanding the World support children’s learning and contain the Early Learning Goals relevant to PSHE and Citizenship. There are not discrete PSHE lessons timetabled as the knowledge, understanding and skills are a golden thread in all our Early Year’s provision. We feel that this prepares each child to be able to access the timetabled curriculum in Year One.
In Key Stages 1 and 2, PSHE is taught weekly as a discreet subject but is also covered through assemblies, stories and visitors. When specific needs arise such as issues on the playground or events that occur outside of school, these are addressed through circle time activities.
PSHE is taught by class teachers or HLTAs as part of PPA cover. The scheme we follow is Jigsaw which supports staff to deliver fully resourced, engaging lessons which pupils enjoy and demonstrate good progress, building on the previous year.
By the time children leave us at the end of Year Four they have developed a stronger sense of self and the impact their choices have on themselves, on others and in the wider world. They can demonstrate safe choices and good understanding of the need for laws and rules. They have strategies in place to maintain good mental and physical health and are beginning to be more aware of body changes that will affect them in the near future. Our oldest children can take on responsibilities, are wonderful role-models to the younger children and are beginning to better understand their place in society.
Click here to view how PSHE is taught in the Foundation Stage.
Click here to view the PSHE and Citizenship Policy.
Click here to view the Relationships and Health Education Policy.
Click here to view the Drugs Education Policy
Click the link below to read a parent guide from the DfE:
Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child's primary school: a guide for parents
Click here for the National Curriculum Citizenship pages.
Click here to view the Progression in Knowledge and Skills in PSHE at Moon's Moat First School.