In Year One our teachers are Mrs Moorhouse (RM) and Mrs Ridgard (MR). Miss Betteridge teaches Class MR on Fridays.
Our teaching assistants are Mrs Jackson, Mrs Powell, Miss Blake and Mrs Ellison.
This half term our topic is ‘Pirates’.
To view this half term's topic web, please click here.
This topic will have a Geography focus and will teach the children about the countries of the UK, capital cities and the differences between physical and human geography.
Songs for the children:
Open the Knowledge organiser here.
This is our vocabulary mat for the topic:
In English, we will be retelling and innovating stories, along with our non-fiction writing.
In Maths, we will be learning about place value and what each digit means to 20. We will be looking at addition and subtraction up to 20.
This is our vocabulary mat for maths:
In science we will continue to learn about materials and their properties. This will help us when designing our boat for DT.
This is our vocabulary mat for science:
In RE we will be looking at Judaism, This is our vocabulary mat:
This half term our topic is 'Zoom to the Moon'.
We will be reading space themed stories, including 'Aliens love underpants' and 'Beegu'. In English we will be describing the characters and settings.
In Maths, we will continue learning about addition, We will be learning fact families and number bonds. We will also learn about subtraction.
This topic will have a history focus and the children will learn all about Neil Armstrong and the moon landing.
This half term our topic is ‘All things Giant’’.
This topic will have a geography focus and will teach the children about our local community and school.
In English, we will read a range of books, including Jack and the Beanstalk, The BFG and The Gruffalo. We will be retelling and innovating stories, along with our non-fiction writing.
In Maths, we will be practising our numbers and extending our place value knowledge. We will be ordering numbers, sorting objects, counting accurately and applying our number knowledge to reasoning,
To view this half term's topic web, please click here.
Vocabulary is a key focus during all lessons. Here's some of the vocabulary your child will be using and learning about in different subjects. Ask your child if they can explain some to you.
Please look at the weekly spellings grid to see which Floppy's Phonics book to revise with your child.
Please help your child to practise these books and previous ones on Oxford Owl
How you can help:
Class RM have PE on Monday and Friday. Class MR have PE on Wednesday and Friday.
Children need to come into school in their PE kit. Please remove earrings and ensure hair is tied up on PE days.
Please click here to view the letter sent out in July regarding PE kit.
Reading books will be changed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We ask that you aim to read with your child at least four times a week. When a book is finished, we encourage children to re-read the book to develop their understanding and fluency. You could also ask your child some questions about what they have read. This will help them to develop their comprehension (understanding) of the text. We also ask you to practise the 'helpful words' in your child's Home Link Book prior to read their reading book. Please keep your child's Home School Link Book safe and record when your child has read so we know if their book needs changing. Children will collect a stamp when they have read 4 times in a week and when they have collected 6 stamps, they will receive a special reading prize.
For more information about reading for pleasure, please click here.
Every Friday, the children will be given a set of spellings to learn. These are linked to their phonics learning and need to be practised ready for the following Friday. We encourage the children to use the look, say, cover, write and check method. Please make sure spelling books are in school on a Friday.
Forest School
Year 1 will go to Forest School on Thursday. Children will need wellies and layers. Waterproof dungarees and coats will be provided by school.
Please click here to read the letter sent out about Forest School.
To find out more, please click here to visit the 'Forest School' page on our website.
Useful websites:
If you need to speak to us, please see us at the end of the day to arrange a meeting or contact the school office.
Useful resources:
Year 1 & 2 Common Exception Word Mat
Maths Games
Online Learning Links
In the front of your child's home school link book (white reading diary) you will find their log in details for online learning resources such as Oxford Owl and Education City which has online reading books and educational games.