Science Leader: Mrs Gadsby
‘To engage, inspire and challenge children, developing independent thought, curiosity and questioning, equipping them with knowledge and skills for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world.’
Learning science gives children the opportunity to explore and understand the world in which they live. Science at Moon’s Moat First School gives children the tools to develop their ideas and ways of working that enable them to understand the world through investigation with independence, resilience and enjoyment. Progression of learning is of great importance in order for children to build upon skills, attitudes and knowledge already acquired.
The aims in Science in our school are to:
Science is taught in blocks and links to the topic where appropriate. Planning is in line with the National Curriculum aims and the Understanding of the World EYFS objectives. Progression of skills and knowledge is clear so that children are able to build on prior knowledge and link ideas together. Activities are planned using an understanding of the needs of the children, their interests and experiences, incorporating first hand learning to deepen knowledge and understanding and broaden the children's experiences. Cross-curricular links are made when they are meaningful enabling the children to be immersed in the subject and for them to make links across the subjects they study, therefore making connections in their learning and language. Children are exposed to accurate and appropriate scientific language in order to understand, apply and communicate their knowledge. Children use a range of resources to develop their knowledge and understanding of working scientifically. Teachers use precise questioning in class to assess knowledge and skills and to identify children with gaps in learning. Educater is used to track and closely monitor attainment and progress.
By the time the children leave the school at the end of Year 4, children have developed their understanding of the world and are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future. Through building up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, pupils have the skills, knowledge and confidence to help them to ask and answer scientific questions about the world in which they live. Children have a developing understanding of key scientific vocabulary so that they can access content when moving through the rest of Key Stage 2 and can apply their knowledge to new situations. Children have developed a sense of excitement and curiosity, which inspires them to learn more.
Click here for our Science policy.
Click here to see the Progression of Knowledge in Science at Moon's Moat First School.
Click here to see the progression of vocabulary at Moon's Moat First School.
Click here for the Long Term Plan in Science
Click here to see how Science is taught in the Foundation Stage.
Science Leader: Mrs Gadsby
‘To engage, inspire and challenge children, developing independent thought, curiosity and questioning, equipping them with knowledge and skills for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world.’
Learning science gives children the opportunity to explore and understand the world in which they live. Science at Moon’s Moat First School gives children the tools to develop their ideas and ways of working that enable them to understand the world through investigation with independence, resilience and enjoyment. Progression of learning is of great importance in order for children to build upon skills, attitudes and knowledge already acquired.
The aims in Science in our school are to:
Science is taught in blocks and links to the topic where appropriate. Planning is in line with the National Curriculum aims and the Understanding of the World EYFS objectives. Progression of skills and knowledge is clear so that children are able to build on prior knowledge and link ideas together. Activities are planned using an understanding of the needs of the children, their interests and experiences, incorporating first hand learning to deepen knowledge and understanding and broaden the children's experiences. Cross-curricular links are made when they are meaningful enabling the children to be immersed in the subject and for them to make links across the subjects they study, therefore making connections in their learning and language. Children are exposed to accurate and appropriate scientific language in order to understand, apply and communicate their knowledge. Children use a range of resources to develop their knowledge and understanding of working scientifically. Teachers use precise questioning in class to assess knowledge and skills and to identify children with gaps in learning. Educater is used to track and closely monitor attainment and progress.
By the time the children leave the school at the end of Year 4, children have developed their understanding of the world and are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future. Through building up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, pupils have the skills, knowledge and confidence to help them to ask and answer scientific questions about the world in which they live. Children have a developing understanding of key scientific vocabulary so that they can access content when moving through the rest of Key Stage 2 and can apply their knowledge to new situations. Children have developed a sense of excitement and curiosity, which inspires them to learn more.
Click here for our Science policy.
Click here to see the Progression of Knowledge in Science at Moon's Moat First School.
Click here to see the progression of vocabulary at Moon's Moat First School.
Click here for the Long Term Plan in Science
Click here to see how Science is taught in the Foundation Stage.