
The Foundation Stage is led by: Mrs Burgoyne

At our school we strive to create a safe, friendly and exciting Early Years environment.

We always aim to design and implement a broad and balanced curriculum that will help every child reach their full potential.


We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework which caters for learning and development from birth to five, ensuring seamless transitions from pre-school.


The EYFS is divided into 7 areas.
3 Prime Areas of Learning

Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

This area focuses on making relationships, self-confidence and self-awareness and managing and regulating feelings and behaviour. At Moon’s Moat we strongly believe that these areas are key to a child’s success in school. It is important to nurture every child in order for them to be ready to learn. Circle time, turn taking games, class discussions, and singing songs are just some of the activities we do.


Physical Development.

This is split into gross motor and fine motor. We provide many opportunities for the children to develop their motor skills both inside and outside. We have large climbing equipment available in our Reception garden that the children have access to daily. Inside activities include threading, messy play, malleable activities, all of which are all precursors to learning to write and form letters correctly.


Communication and Language.

Every activity planned in the Early Years has communication and language at the forefront.  We have strong links with the Worcestershire Speech and Language team and often work with them to plan language activities. As well as speaking and understanding language, we also recognise the importance of attention and listening. We follow the good listening rules and plan lots of fun, interactive games to help the children develop these skills.


4 Specific Areas of Learning


This covers phonics, reading and writing. We provide inviting reading areas that encourage the children to come and look at books as well as writing/mark making opportunities in as many of the areas as possible. There are always literacy opportunities available both inside and outside. Phonics is taught daily in a fun and interactive way. Children take reading books home regularly, as well as choosing a story book to share with their parents. 



We encourage the children to develop a love of, and a deep understanding of numbers through practical activities, songs and games. Practical activities such as sand and water help the children to compare length, weight and capacity. Maths opportunities are always available both in the inside and outdoor areas. 


Understanding the World

Understanding the World incorporates many areas of the curriculum, including geography. Children learn about different countries of the world through photographs and books and talking about personal experiences, as well as learning about our local area and communities. Children are given opportunities to look at different maps and draw information from them. Personal history plays a big part in Understanding the World, looking at how the children fit into their families and learning about their family history. We also look at famous and important figures in history. Science is very practical and play based, investigating how things work and exploring the natural world, including making use of our Forest School area. R.E is taught through stories and discussions, helping to build an acceptance and understanding of all cultures and beliefs. 


Expressive Arts and Design

This includes painting, craft, construction, music, singing, dance and imaginative play. Children are encouraged to express themselves freely and have the confidence to be themselves.


Technology is no longer mentioned in the framework however as we know the integral role technology plays in our lives, we ensure that children's learning is enhanced through the use of technology where appropriate. This means children have access to ipads and laptops on a weekly basis for adult led sessions and as part of continuous provision. Children also have the opportunity to program floor robots, use digital cameras, microphones and other equipment during play.


Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning

These 7 areas of learning are all underpinned by the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning. In planning and guiding what children learn, us, as practitioners must reflect on the different rates at which children are developing and adjust our practice appropriately.

The three characteristics of effective teaching and learning are:

• playing and exploring – children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’
• active learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements
• creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things:


Click here to view "Development Matters" Early Years curriculum. 


The Foundation Stage is led by: Mrs Burgoyne

At our school we strive to create a safe, friendly and exciting Early Years environment.

We always aim to design and implement a broad and balanced curriculum that will help every child reach their full potential.


We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework which caters for learning and development from birth to five, ensuring seamless transitions from pre-school.


The EYFS is divided into 7 areas.
3 Prime Areas of Learning

Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

This area focuses on making relationships, self-confidence and self-awareness and managing and regulating feelings and behaviour. At Moon’s Moat we strongly believe that these areas are key to a child’s success in school. It is important to nurture every child in order for them to be ready to learn. Circle time, turn taking games, class discussions, and singing songs are just some of the activities we do.


Physical Development.

This is split into gross motor and fine motor. We provide many opportunities for the children to develop their motor skills both inside and outside. We have large climbing equipment available in our Reception garden that the children have access to daily. Inside activities include threading, messy play, malleable activities, all of which are all precursors to learning to write and form letters correctly.


Communication and Language.

Every activity planned in the Early Years has communication and language at the forefront.  We have strong links with the Worcestershire Speech and Language team and often work with them to plan language activities. As well as speaking and understanding language, we also recognise the importance of attention and listening. We follow the good listening rules and plan lots of fun, interactive games to help the children develop these skills.


4 Specific Areas of Learning


This covers phonics, reading and writing. We provide inviting reading areas that encourage the children to come and look at books as well as writing/mark making opportunities in as many of the areas as possible. There are always literacy opportunities available both inside and outside. Phonics is taught daily in a fun and interactive way. Children take reading books home regularly, as well as choosing a story book to share with their parents. 



We encourage the children to develop a love of, and a deep understanding of numbers through practical activities, songs and games. Practical activities such as sand and water help the children to compare length, weight and capacity. Maths opportunities are always available both in the inside and outdoor areas. 


Understanding the World

Understanding the World incorporates many areas of the curriculum, including geography. Children learn about different countries of the world through photographs and books and talking about personal experiences, as well as learning about our local area and communities. Children are given opportunities to look at different maps and draw information from them. Personal history plays a big part in Understanding the World, looking at how the children fit into their families and learning about their family history. We also look at famous and important figures in history. Science is very practical and play based, investigating how things work and exploring the natural world, including making use of our Forest School area. R.E is taught through stories and discussions, helping to build an acceptance and understanding of all cultures and beliefs. 


Expressive Arts and Design

This includes painting, craft, construction, music, singing, dance and imaginative play. Children are encouraged to express themselves freely and have the confidence to be themselves.


Technology is no longer mentioned in the framework however as we know the integral role technology plays in our lives, we ensure that children's learning is enhanced through the use of technology where appropriate. This means children have access to ipads and laptops on a weekly basis for adult led sessions and as part of continuous provision. Children also have the opportunity to program floor robots, use digital cameras, microphones and other equipment during play.


Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning

These 7 areas of learning are all underpinned by the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning. In planning and guiding what children learn, us, as practitioners must reflect on the different rates at which children are developing and adjust our practice appropriately.

The three characteristics of effective teaching and learning are:

• playing and exploring – children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’
• active learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements
• creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things:


Click here to view "Development Matters" Early Years curriculum. 


The Foundation Stage is led by: Mrs Burgoyne

At our school we strive to create a safe, friendly and exciting Early Years environment.

We always aim to design and implement a broad and balanced curriculum that will help every child reach their full potential.


We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework which caters for learning and development from birth to five, ensuring seamless transitions from pre-school.


The EYFS is divided into 7 areas.
3 Prime Areas of Learning

Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

This area focuses on making relationships, self-confidence and self-awareness and managing and regulating feelings and behaviour. At Moon’s Moat we strongly believe that these areas are key to a child’s success in school. It is important to nurture every child in order for them to be ready to learn. Circle time, turn taking games, class discussions, and singing songs are just some of the activities we do.


Physical Development.

This is split into gross motor and fine motor. We provide many opportunities for the children to develop their motor skills both inside and outside. We have large climbing equipment available in our Reception garden that the children have access to daily. Inside activities include threading, messy play, malleable activities, all of which are all precursors to learning to write and form letters correctly.


Communication and Language.

Every activity planned in the Early Years has communication and language at the forefront.  We have strong links with the Worcestershire Speech and Language team and often work with them to plan language activities. As well as speaking and understanding language, we also recognise the importance of attention and listening. We follow the good listening rules and plan lots of fun, interactive games to help the children develop these skills.


4 Specific Areas of Learning


This covers phonics, reading and writing. We provide inviting reading areas that encourage the children to come and look at books as well as writing/mark making opportunities in as many of the areas as possible. There are always literacy opportunities available both inside and outside. Phonics is taught daily in a fun and interactive way. Children take reading books home regularly, as well as choosing a story book to share with their parents. 



We encourage the children to develop a love of, and a deep understanding of numbers through practical activities, songs and games. Practical activities such as sand and water help the children to compare length, weight and capacity. Maths opportunities are always available both in the inside and outdoor areas. 


Understanding the World

Understanding the World incorporates many areas of the curriculum, including geography. Children learn about different countries of the world through photographs and books and talking about personal experiences, as well as learning about our local area and communities. Children are given opportunities to look at different maps and draw information from them. Personal history plays a big part in Understanding the World, looking at how the children fit into their families and learning about their family history. We also look at famous and important figures in history. Science is very practical and play based, investigating how things work and exploring the natural world, including making use of our Forest School area. R.E is taught through stories and discussions, helping to build an acceptance and understanding of all cultures and beliefs. 


Expressive Arts and Design

This includes painting, craft, construction, music, singing, dance and imaginative play. Children are encouraged to express themselves freely and have the confidence to be themselves.


Technology is no longer mentioned in the framework however as we know the integral role technology plays in our lives, we ensure that children's learning is enhanced through the use of technology where appropriate. This means children have access to ipads and laptops on a weekly basis for adult led sessions and as part of continuous provision. Children also have the opportunity to program floor robots, use digital cameras, microphones and other equipment during play.


Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning

These 7 areas of learning are all underpinned by the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning. In planning and guiding what children learn, us, as practitioners must reflect on the different rates at which children are developing and adjust our practice appropriately.

The three characteristics of effective teaching and learning are:

• playing and exploring – children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’
• active learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements
• creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things:


Click here to view "Development Matters" Early Years curriculum.