Mrs Burgoyne is the Early Years leader and Reception teacher. Miss Lythgo is our other teacher.
Mrs Bench and Mr Clissett are our fabulous teaching assistants, who will be supporting learning in Reception this year. Mrs Harrison and Miss Jenks will come down to help us sometimes too.
We work closely together in the Foundation stage to plan a challenging and stimulating learning environment, where children can develop and consolidate new skills and knowledge, take reasonable risks and learn to be independent.
We know that children learn best through play which is why we plan meaningful learning opportunities based on children's own interests and fascinations. We ensure a careful balance of adult initiated activities with child initiated play and spend time observing children to understand their learning styles and to plan their next steps.
Please speak to Mrs Burgoyne or Miss Lythgo if you have any questions about your child at school.
As we move into the Winter months, we may get more snow. Please make sure your child has a warm coat to wear when playing outside. We would also like children to have some wellies in school if possible, so that we can make the most of the snow (if we get any more!) If your child comes to school in wellies, please make sure they have shoes to change into, thank you.
In Reception we love to read!! We have story time everyday and we love all kinds of different stories.
As well as sharing stories, it is also really important that your child reads their reading book at home every night, even if they have read with an adult in school- and don't forget to write it in their reading diary too! The children can earn stickers and prizes for reading at home, so don't forget!!
We change the children's reading books on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure that the children bring their book bags every day so that we can send letters home too.
Reception story time will start Friday 10th January at 2.50. All parents are welcome to come and share a story. Grandparents are welcome if parents can't make it! We hope to see lots of you there.
Take a look at our Reading for Pleasure webpage for ideas on how to develop your child’s love of reading and suggestions for books to read together. Click here
Welcome back!
We hope you had a lovely Christmas break and are ready to continue your learning journey. This half term is jam packed with lots of exciting things we have planned for the children, including PE with Mr Vaness.
This half term our topic is "People Who Help Us". We will be learning about lots of different occupations and professions and hopefully having some visits too, starting with the Police coming to visit us the first week back.
To find out more, read our curriculum newsletter.
Click here to view our topic web.
We also spend lots of time outdoors using the bikes/scooters, climbing equipment and the balls/beanbags/hoops etc.
Physical development in Early Years is also about developing fine motor skills. Threading, cutting, play dough, puzzles and using tweezers all help the children develop their hand eye co-ordination and build up the muscles in their hands ready to start writing. Lots of these activities are easy for you to do at home too!
If your child cannot come to school for some reason, we will try to put some ideas for work for you to do at home.
We have already learnt all of Level 1+ sounds in phonics and the children are now able to read and write simple words with them in.
Can you read these words? Remember to say each sound before blending them together to make the word.
We all need time to unplug. While we all recognise the numerous benefits of mobile devices for children to learn at the moment, it’s equally important to remember the importance of screen-free time. Research has found that too much screen time can have a negative impact on children, affecting their sleep and eating habits, among other things. We would like children to have time to play and relax using other methods. Children need time to be able to explore their physical world, build their curiosity, and expand their imaginations. Therefore, as a school we are asking that you take an afternoon a week as screen-free time.
Mrs Burgoyne is the Early Years leader and Reception teacher. Miss Lythgo is our other teacher.
Mrs Bench and Mr Clissett are our fabulous teaching assistants, who will be supporting learning in Reception this year. Mrs Harrison and Miss Jenks will come down to help us sometimes too.
We work closely together in the Foundation stage to plan a challenging and stimulating learning environment, where children can develop and consolidate new skills and knowledge, take reasonable risks and learn to be independent.
We know that children learn best through play which is why we plan meaningful learning opportunities based on children's own interests and fascinations. We ensure a careful balance of adult initiated activities with child initiated play and spend time observing children to understand their learning styles and to plan their next steps.
Please speak to Mrs Burgoyne or Miss Lythgo if you have any questions about your child at school.
As we move into the Winter months, we may get more snow. Please make sure your child has a warm coat to wear when playing outside. We would also like children to have some wellies in school if possible, so that we can make the most of the snow (if we get any more!) If your child comes to school in wellies, please make sure they have shoes to change into, thank you.
In Reception we love to read!! We have story time everyday and we love all kinds of different stories.
As well as sharing stories, it is also really important that your child reads their reading book at home every night, even if they have read with an adult in school- and don't forget to write it in their reading diary too! The children can earn stickers and prizes for reading at home, so don't forget!!
We change the children's reading books on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure that the children bring their book bags every day so that we can send letters home too.
Reception story time will start Friday 10th January at 2.50. All parents are welcome to come and share a story. Grandparents are welcome if parents can't make it! We hope to see lots of you there.
Take a look at our Reading for Pleasure webpage for ideas on how to develop your child’s love of reading and suggestions for books to read together. Click here
Welcome back!
We hope you had a lovely Christmas break and are ready to continue your learning journey. This half term is jam packed with lots of exciting things we have planned for the children, including PE with Mr Vaness.
This half term our topic is "People Who Help Us". We will be learning about lots of different occupations and professions and hopefully having some visits too, starting with the Police coming to visit us the first week back.
To find out more, read our curriculum newsletter.
Click here to view our topic web.
We also spend lots of time outdoors using the bikes/scooters, climbing equipment and the balls/beanbags/hoops etc.
Physical development in Early Years is also about developing fine motor skills. Threading, cutting, play dough, puzzles and using tweezers all help the children develop their hand eye co-ordination and build up the muscles in their hands ready to start writing. Lots of these activities are easy for you to do at home too!
If your child cannot come to school for some reason, we will try to put some ideas for work for you to do at home.
We have already learnt all of Level 1+ sounds in phonics and the children are now able to read and write simple words with them in.
Can you read these words? Remember to say each sound before blending them together to make the word.
We all need time to unplug. While we all recognise the numerous benefits of mobile devices for children to learn at the moment, it’s equally important to remember the importance of screen-free time. Research has found that too much screen time can have a negative impact on children, affecting their sleep and eating habits, among other things. We would like children to have time to play and relax using other methods. Children need time to be able to explore their physical world, build their curiosity, and expand their imaginations. Therefore, as a school we are asking that you take an afternoon a week as screen-free time.