Geography Leader: Mrs Burgoyne
The National Curriculum states that children should be taught
At Moon’s Moat First School we base the teaching of Geography around the understanding of the physical world, resolving issues about the environment and recognising the importance of sustainable development for the future of mankind.
Through direct experience, practical activities and the use of secondary sources children develop skills of enquiry, research, investigation and problem solving, and an understanding of drawing and the interpretation of maps.
Geography is taught in Years 1-4 through a topic based approach. This enables the children to make links across all of the subjects they study and to understand geographical skills and knowledge through real life and first hand experiences. Topics are chosen through an understanding of the needs of the children, their interests and experiences. Some content is stipulated within the National Curriculum, however, school planning incorporates first hand learning to deepen knowledge and understanding and broaden the children's experiences. Fieldwork is an integral part of the provision so that children understand how Geography relates to their own lives and local area and so that they can apply this to knowledge about the wider world. Children begin to develop an understanding of Geography as a concept within the Foundation Stage through their work on Understanding the World. Developing geographical vocabulary is crucial throughout the whole school in order to prepare them for geographical work and understanding through their later education and lives. Geography makes links with British Values and Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education and Citizenship so that children understand their impact on the World and how to make sure they protect the world around them for a sustainable future.
By the time the children leave the school at the end of Year 4, children will have developed their understanding of the world around them and their impact on it. They will be curious about the world and the people who live in it. The children will know that the world is a diverse place and that humans have an impact, both positively and negatively, on the environment. They will understand how places are the same and different and how the Earth changes over time. We believe that by teaching Geography through a topic based approach across Key Stage 1 and 2, that children make links with how Geography fits with other subject areas and how skills and knowledge can be transferred. This can clearly be seen in the topic webs produced for each topic. Children will have developed a curiosity about the world and will be prepared and interested in the next stage in their education.
Click here to see Geography-substantive and disciplinary knowledge
Click here to see how Geography is taught in the Foundation Stage.
Click here to look at the Geography policy.
Click here to view knowledge and skills progression in Geography at Moon’s Moat First School.