Reading is important: Develops imagination... Develop confidence. ...  Expand verbally. ...  Reduces stress. ... Helps them to discover new things. ... Escapism. ... Develops the mind. ... Increases self esteem....


English Leader: Mrs R Moorhouse


English is vital for communicating with others in school and in the wider world, and is fundamental to learning in all curriculum subjects. In studying English, pupils develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing that they will need to participate in society in later life. Pupils learn to express themselves creatively and imaginatively and to communicate with others confidently and effectively. Literature in English is rich and influential. It reflects the experiences of people from many countries and times and contributes to our sense of cultural identity.

English Policy
English Policy
Spoken language
Spoken language
At Moon’s Moat we are working hard to develop children’s use of and understanding of vocabulary. We spend time in lessons examining new words and their meanings as well as having a ‘Word of the Day’ in KS2. Vocabulary development is a high priority for the school and is interwoven throughout the core and wider curriculum. 

Vocabulary is critical to a child’s success for these reasons:

  • Vocabulary growth is directly related to school achievement
  • The size of a child’s vocabulary in Nursery predicts the ability to learn to read
  • Vocabulary helps children to think and learn about the world
  • Expanding a child’s knowledge of words provides unlimited access to new information

Please watch the following video so that you can support your child at home. 

Please click here for the grammatical vocabulary progression for each year group.